Created by: Griffin Yas
Here is the creation of the ultimate WEHC track athlete using different parts of the body and characteristics of campers in the past 5 years. Did we get it right? What should we do next? Let us know on Instagram @wehcnews!
Softball Toss: Cole Lepler. Easily on of the best softball players in West End history, Cole was able to absolutely sling the softball. If you remember during All-Stars, when the counselors keep the furthest arrow for the whole night to show who had the furthest throw in camp, Cole was always that guys. He was about 2 hops from the left field woods on the line. Make sense as hell be playing baseball at the collegiate level next year.
Broad Jump: Kentony Chao. This one may come as a surprise to newer campers who weren't there to witness Kentony jump. Kentony Chao was a freak athlete in many ways. He used to climb just about everything and just show off his athleticism at random times. He was pretty much a guaranteed win every year in this event.
Dash: Dezmond Mitchell. In recent memory, everyone knows Dezmond Mitchell is fast. The kid single handedly won HS football in the 1's. Gottlieb year may not have gone as he hoped, but in the dash he dueled Chris Victorin and took home #1. He has top be on this list.
Endurance Events: Lucas Maley. The #2 all time Ironman timer makes the spot for the distance/steeple chase. A case might be made to put JCG here, but Maley got his time with a broken bike, so theres no question he would have been the best of all time. He won the distance with ease his high senior year.
Heart: Houston Barenholtz. There should be little debate about this one. In a year completely against him, Houston took the war in stride and sucked it up for his team. Each year he went against JCG in the distance and quietly secured 2nd only a lap or two behind him. No one had more heart than Houdi.
Athleticism: Devin Usal. You could put Devin just about anywhere on this list and make a case for him. He was purely the best at everything he did. For this reason, we'll use his athleticism to maximize his effectiveness on the track.
Confidence: JCG. Aside from being the best runner of his time, whenever JCG stepped to the line, he knew he was going to win. Not to question his humbleness, but there was never any doubt of his abilities by himself and anyone that watched him. His confidence would be channeled for this athlete.
Body Type: Sincere Northcross. Sincere is one of the most gifted athletes every at camp. With a 6 foot plus frame and natural muscle, he was a possible winner of every track event. Even when it may not have been his strength, there was always uncertainty who would actually win an event just because Sincere was involved.
Leadership: Max Brody. If Brody wasn't able to have a direct impact In track, indirectly he was crucial. Max is the classic guy you want on your team because he bring ups everyone else and makes everyone better. Especially in the fields during CW momentum is a huge thing and Brody was able to either harness it in his favor or counter the other teams.